Characteristics of Growth and Development

growth and development

Growth : - Growth is an physical change which can be measured by size and shape of person organs. For example growth of hand and leg, weight of person.  Height should measured in centimeter and weight is monitor by kilogram (Kg) unit. Growth is influenced by the climate, food, gender, genetic abnormalities etc.

Development:- Development is define as progressive changes in organ only measured via qualitatively. Example maturation of various organ on their function is measured qualitatively.

Major developmental change of body are,
  • Maturation of heart, kidney & brain to perform their function
  • Development of cognitive functions 
  • Co-ordination between multiple organs 
  • Strong immunity and immune system 

5 Characteristics of growth and development

  1. It is universal in nature. 
  2. Growth and development is slow in childhood, high in adolescent and slower in the old age
  3. Growth and development occur similar in every individual
  4. Growth and development is interrelated. It means if growth take place then development is inherent. 
  5. Maturation of the brain is proportional to physical development 

Importance of growth and development awareness :- 

  • It give an idea of children need at respective ages 
  • To prepare the child for growth and development 
  • Assess, measure and monitor the growth and development 
  • To diagnose deviation from normal growth and development 



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