How Beta Blocker Work? Type Use

How beta blocker work?

Beta blockers are group of drugs use in dilating blood vessels, improve blood flow and maitain blood pressure.

It act on central nervous system. It inhibit the action of neurotransmitter epinephrine and nor-epinephrine.

This two hormone responsible for stimulation of various organs and muscles of the body such as heart, brain and kidney. They increase heart rate, abdominal contraction, stimulate muscles.

Beta blockers block two hormone which result in decrease stimulation to major body organ. It result in improving blood flow to blood vessels, decrease cardiac afterload and relaxing smooth muscle of body.


Beta blocker is taken orally and metabolized in liver.

Uses of beta blocker 

Beta blocker is use in following disease condition,

  • Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is define as pain in chest. Beta blockers relieves chest pain by incteasing blood flow to heart cells.

  • Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is abnormal heart beat originate from atria. Beta blocker decreases heart load by decreasing muscxular contraction of heart. 

  • Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is abnormal heart beat due to alteration in conduction system of heart. Beta blocker enhance heart function by increasing blood flow and decreasing heart contractibility and heart load. 

  • Heart attack

Beta blocker help to prevent heart attack by maintaining normal heart function for longer period of time. 

  • Hypertension

Hypertension is decreased via decreasing vessels contraction and stretching.

  • Glaucoma

Glaucoma is increased eye pressure due to high intraocular pressure and high blood pressure. Beta blocker relaxe muscles of eyes result in low IOP and decreased blood pressure.

It is used to manage,

  • Abnormal heart rhythm

Beta blocker block action of adrenaline in heart. It helps in decreasing heart load, blood pressure of body.

  • Protect the heart from second heart attack

Beta blockers decreases heart preload and afterload by decrasing blood pressure and increasing blood flow to heart and other organs.

  • Dilation of blood vessels 

Beta blockers diate blood vessels therby reducing hypertension, chest pain and supplying oxygen to body cells and tissues. 

  • Decreasing size of infarct 

Beta blockers block the vasoconstriction resulting in decreased inflammation and increased healing and blood flow. It lead to decrease infarct size. 

  • Decrease anxiety 

Beta blockers block involuntary muscle contraction and stimulation lead to make person relax and calm. It also make patient comfortable due to calm heart rate and high blood flow. 

  • Inhibit vasoconstriction during hypertension

In severe hypertension beta blockers were given. It use to dilates blood vessels and decrease blood pressure.

  • Increase oxygen supply to body cell & tissues 

Beta blocker improve blood flow to tissues and cells thereby increasing oxygen supply to tissues and cells.

  • To decrease pain during angina 

Angina occurs when heart cells lack in oxygen. Beta blockers increase oxygen supply to body cell resulting in decreased chest pain.

  • Maintain normal respiration rate 

Beta blockers were given in respiratory problem such as breathing difficulty or severe chest pain. It increase blood supply, dilates vessels resulting in reducing inflammation and promote healing.

  • Decrease tremors

Beta blocker decrease action of epinephrine in various body organs and muscles esulting in reduced  tremors.

Types of beta blocker 

Beta blocker classified as following,

  • Non-Slective drug 

Non selective drug is multifunctional drug. It act on various tissues, cells and glands of body. Typical non selective drugs are Propranolol, Nadolol, Timolol, Sotalol etc.

  • Cardioselective drug

Cardioselective drug is commonly give in cardiac conditions such as asthma, cardiac arrest etc. Drugs are metoprolol, atenolol, acebutolol, esmolol etc. 

  • Partial Beta Blocker (having half of actions of b-receptor) 

Partial beta blocker gives in mild chest pain, to decrease muscular contraction and glandular secretions. It act partial to relax smooth muscles and decrease muscular action. Drugs are Pindolol, Carteolol, Oxprenolol, Bopindolol, Penbutolol

  • Strong Acting B-Blocker 

Beta blocker causing severe dilation and act strongly on muscles and glands are Labetalol, Carvedilol, Celiprolol.

Side Effects 

Beta blocker results in, 

  • Bradycardia 

Bradycardia is define as low blood pressure. It occurs in high vasodilation and long term muscular contraction.

  • Bronchospasm 

Bronchospasm occurs in injury, blood clot in lungs.

  • Hypoglycemia 

Beta blocker decrease glucose metabolism due to decrease CNS hormone epinephrine and norepinephrine causing hypoglycemia.

Other side effects are, 

  1. Cold skin
  2. Depression 
  3. Insoamnia 
  4. Weakness 
  5. Hair loss 
  6. Sexual dysfunction 


Beta blocker is contraindicated in heart block, bradycardia, cardiogenic shock, hemorrhage, hypoglycemia and diabetic mellitus.



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